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Annual Report 2022

Coast Legacy Circle

Leaving a Legacy of Coastal Conservation

Conservation that will benefit people, plants and wildlife for years to come starts here and now. These donors recognize that fact, which is why they’ve included North Coast Land Conservancy in their estate plans. They comprise the Coast Legacy Circle, established in 2018 to represent those who are contributing to a legacy of long-term coastal conservation.

Anonymous (1)

Betsy Ayres

Robert Bacon*

Jan Faber & Vicki Baker

Barbara Beemer-Moritz

Ryan Blum & Britta Herwig

Layton & Gene Borkan

Lisa Cerveny & David Russell

Lolly Champion

Colleen Chandler*

Norman Creitz*

Teresa DeLorenzo

William & Cornelia Drevescraft

John & Stephanie Dudley

Michael Ehlen

Lee Emery

Steve Forrester & Brenda Penner

Sue Gabriel*

Diane Gallagher-McVey

Jane Gillis

Chip & Toni Greening

Eric Halperin & Bebe Michel

Bonnie Henderson & Charlie Zennache

Donna Henderson & Rich Sutliff

Randall & Jeanne Henderson

Michael & Judy Heumann

Nancy Hopp

Wallace Hummasti


McLaren Innes

Patricia Johns

Sharon Kloepfer

Barb Knop

Pat Lehman

Joan Levers & David Manhart

Ron Logan

Neal Maine

Vaughn Martin

Nancie McGraw*

Betty Moore Smith

Ann Morgan

Mike Morgan & Beth Holland

Lorraine Ortiz & Terry Fullan

Vianne Patterson

Melissa Reich

Phyllis Reynolds

Kat Ricker

Jeff Roehm

William Rutherford

Karen Schank

Viviane Simon-Brown

Allan & Mary Solares

Judy Sorrel

Susan Tone & Phil Blanton

Katie Voelke & Scott Kirby

Susan Walsh & Claudia Johnson

Bob & Dianne Widdop

Pat Wollner